Jeffery D. Long is Professor of Religion and Asian Studies at Elizabethtown College, where he has taught since completing his doctoral degree at the University of Chicago in the year 2000. He is the author of three books–A Vision for Hinduism: Beyond Hindu Nationalism, Jainism: An Introduction, and The Historical Dictionary of Hinduism–as well as the forthcoming Indian Philosophy: An Introduction and Indian Philosophy: The Essential Readings. He has also published articles in a wide variety of edited volumes and journals, including the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, the Journal of Vaishnava Studies, the Journal of Process Studies, the International Journal of Hindu Studies, and Prabuddha Bharata (the journal of the Ramakrishna Order in India). He has presented in such venues as the American Academy of Religion, the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, the Association for Asian Studies, and the Parliament of the World’s Religions.